Advanced Statistics is an application that helps calculate different statistical functions. The application covers basic statistics such as mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, median, standard deviation, mode of a sample and a population. It also covers discrete and continuous statistical distributions, therefore allowing to compute the mean, mode, median, entropy, variance, skewness, cumulative distribution function, probability density function, probability mass function of each distribution when applicable. The distributions covered are:
Continuous Uniform Normal Log Normal Beta Cauchy (Cauchy-Lorentz) Chi Chi Squared Erlang Exponential Fisher-Snedecor (F-Distribution) Gamma Inverse Gamma Laplace Pareto Rayleigh Stable Student-T Weibull Triangular
Discrete Uniform Bernoulli Binomial Negative Binomial Geometric Hypergeometric Poisson Categorical Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Zipf
Remark: Advanced Statistics is also part of our math-focused website Facile Math. You can visit it at