Use text-to-speech technology to dub your video based on subtitles. The subtitle file contains time stamps, which can accurately adapt the audio to the time point of the video. what is this? In today's social media video, there are many reasons to dub videos. Your video has audiences from different countries, and you need to dub the video in different languages. Or, when you don’t want your video to be published in the original sound, or when you are not satisfied with your voice, you can re-dubb your video. It is very expensive to ask a voice actor to dub your video. Not only are they expensive, they are also inefficient. The Voice Over App use text-to-speech+subtitle file can dub your video anytime and anywhere, and the price is negligible. We have developed the voice over App, which includes complete functions --- You only need to open the video and subtitle files, select an announcer, and voice over will automatically generate a voice over for your video, and synthesize the voice over to the video.