Try 1 day for FREE! Resize, crop and convert an unlimited number of photos with just one click! Make your pictures more suitable for email, blogs, websites, social networks, for your personal use or for your business.
Details: 1. Drag & Drop Select as many photo files in the Finder and Drag & Drop them into the application window.
2. Resize Scale your photos up and down, using the Percentage, Maximum Pixels and Pixels options.
3. Crop Crop unneeded image parts.
4. Convert Select your desired image format in the Settings dialog. Your options include: JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, XMP and PPM.
5. Rename option You can give your photos new names.
6. Live preview You can preview your results in the embedded previewer or in the Windows native view before initiating the processing.
7. Batch Don’t waste hours adjusting image files one by one. All dropped files will be processed after a single click on the “Start” button.