Remember the Star Trek computer? It's finally happening--with Wolfram|Alpha. Building on 25 years of development led by Stephen Wolfram, Wolfram|Alpha has rapidly become the world's definitive source for instant expert knowledge and computation.
Across thousands of domains--with more continually added--Wolfram|Alpha uses its vast collection of algorithms and data to compute answers and generate reports for you. This app gives you access to the full power of the Wolfram|Alpha computational knowledge engine. Domains covered by Wolfram|Alpha include:
MATHEMATICS Elementary Math Numbers Plotting Algebra Matrices Calculus Geometry Trigonometry Discrete Math Number Theory Applied Math Logic Functions
STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS Descriptive Statistics Regression Statistical Distributions Probability
PHYSICS Mechanics Electricity & Magnetism Optics Thermodynamics Relativity Nuclear Physics Quantum Physics Particle Physics Statistical Physics Astrophysics
CHEMISTRY Elements Compounds Ions Solutions Reactions Chemical Thermodynamics
MATERIALS Alloys Minerals Crystallography Plastics Woods
ENGINEERING Acoustics Aeronautics Electric Circuits Fluid Mechanics Steam Tables Psychrometrics Refrigeration
ASTRONOMY Star Charts Astronomical Events Planets Moons Space Weather Stars Pulsars Galaxies Star Clusters Nebulae Astrophysics
EARTH SCIENCE Geology Geochronology Geodesy Earthquakes Tide Data Atmosphere Climate
LIFE SCIENCES Animals & Plants Dinosaurs DNA Sequence Lookup Proteins Genomes Metabolic Pathways
COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCES Cellular Automata Substitution Systems Turing Machines Computational Complexity Algebraic Codes Fractals Image Processing
UNITS & MEASURES Conversions Comparisons Dimensional Analysis Industrial Measures Paint
DATES & TIMES Date Computations Time Zones Calendars Holidays Geological Time
WEATHER Current & Historical Weather Forecasts Wind Chill Hurricanes Clouds Climate
PLACES & GEOGRAPHY Maps Projections Geodesy Navigation Distances Geomagnetism Geocoding Countries Cities Elevation Data Oceans Lakes Rivers Islands Mountains
PEOPLE & HISTORY People Genealogy Names Occupations Political Leaders Historical Events, Periods & Countries Historical Money
CULTURE & MEDIA Books Movies Video Games Fictional Characters Mythology Television Programs Awards
MUSIC Musical Notes Intervals Chords Scales Audio Waveforms Instruments Songs
WORDS & LINGUISTICS Word Properties Dictionary Lookup Puzzles Anagrams Languages Document Length Morse Code Soundex
SPORTS & GAMES Football Baseball Olympics Stadiums Lotteries Card Games
COLORS Color Names & Systems Color Addition Temperatures Wavelengths
MONEY & FINANCE Stock Data Indices Mutual Funds Futures Mortgages Present Value Currency Conversion Bonds Derivatives Valuation Wages Sales Tax
SOCIOECONOMIC DATA Demographics Countries US States US Counties Cities Economics Agriculture Energy Salaries Unemployment Cost of Living Health Care Housing Social Statistics Crime Military Religion
HEALTH & MEDICINE Body Measurements Growth Charts Exercise Diseases Mortality Data Medical Test Data
FOOD & NUTRITION Foods Dietary References
EDUCATION International Education Universities Public Schools Standardized Tests
ORGANIZATIONS Companies Hospitals Foundations International Organizations
TRANSPORTATION Airports Airlines Aircraft Flight Data Gasoline Prices Tides
TECHNOLOGICAL WORLD Communications Satellites Space Probes Photography Barcodes
WEB & COMPUTER SYSTEMS Website Data IP Lookup Notable Computers String Processing Hashing Unicode Lookup
(Wolfram|Alpha Pro capabilities such as file upload and personal analytics are not yet available through this app.)