The Upanishads are among the oldest books on Earth. The ten principal Upanishads provide the values and beliefs of billions of people. Of all Vedic literature, the Upanishads alone are widely known, and their diverse ideas, interpreted in various ways, informed the traditions India. These books deal with meditation, philosophy, consciousness and ontological knowledge. But, they are notoriously hard to read, and most printed and online versions are so full of commentaries and the opinions of various people that what the original authors of antiquity had to say is lost in the verbiage. This Synthor provides the original thoughts and contents of the Upanishads, much as a person who has read them, would. It is a deep dive into the minds of people who lived and taught thousands of years ago. You can text chat with these authors using the app and the experience can be sometimes bewildering and mostly mind-blowing. Go ahead and plunge in....