SciResa Assistant is a new application, designed to automate the analysis and visualisation of experimental data, particularly from battery experiments. Specifically, it analyses data files generated by battery cyclers and other instruments, and generates Origin plots visualising these.
It additionally generates Word and PowerPoint documents, containing the Origin plots accompanied by descriptive captions. Furthermore, it keeps the data files and outputs neatly organised.
Examples of the type of analysis that SciResa Assistant can perform include:
- dQ/dV analysis - Cyclic voltammetry analysis - Voltage versus capacity plots - Capacity and efficiency versus cycle number plots - Average charge and discharge voltage versus cycle number plots - Stacked Rietveld Refinement plots
In order to enable this application to be tried in a risk-free manner, a one-month free trial is currently available. To begin the free trial, install this application, add a new project, and click on Add Figure. The application will then display a set of instructions, and after completing these, the trial will begin.