Read and analyse bookkeeping files, from email, on the desktop and over internet! Rosetta presents financial reports from standard SIE, XBRL/GL and Rosetta accounting files! It exports to Excel.
With Rosetta you can read bookkeeping on a computer as reports. The reports can be displayed, printed, saved as PDF (print), text files and used in spreadsheet programs for deeper analysis and presentation.
Rosetta displays files stored locally, attached to an e-mail message, from Internet or servers. It presents the data and you can add folders to make analyse and error chase of the bookkeeping. You can download and test demo files from our website www.alphabet.se.
All financial programs for all types of enterprises distributed in Sweden over the past 20 years support SIE files for reading and writing. And thus much of the global market (SIE support is not marketed outside Sweden, but is available if requested). Ask your supplier of accounting systems for SIE support. Email the client a SIE file, who can read it as an economic report for information feedback and analysis.
Rosetta displays the contents of the files and only recounts prior to saving or importing data. Rosetta shows with blue background where possible errors in the data files and one can read about the error. Rosetta is a free program with advertising and as the customer does not pay no legal guarantees are given. Read Rosetta - End User License Agreement - EULA at www.alphabet.se/Rosetta/EULA-Rosetta.pdf
Rosetta displays the date, amount and program texts according to the computer settings. Program text and report headings are translated into 12 languages, English, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish, German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.
The program is updated annually.
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SIE is a Swedish supplier interest group since 1992 with an open general exchange format for accounting files and applied methods.
The basic idea is that all suppliers support the file format for information exchange, so data can be read between the programs. It not only requires agreement on the file format but also how the conversion of internal logical data formats to a flawless working practice goes. How to use the format is the key to the success of SIE.
The initial motivation for the SIE group was the exchange of information with income tax reporting programs and pre-system import such as wages, inventories, payments and receivables. Specifications in English for the SIE file format can be found on SIE's website: www.sie.se
SIE supports PC-DOS ACSII cp850 only (Western). However Rosetta also supports the SIE format with UTF8 if #FORMAT UTF8 is noted in the file. But no other known programs do.
XBRL/GL is popular with audits and accounting consultants internationally and is a finance reporting file format from XBRL/GL International, with an initial similar intention as SIE: www.xbrl.org/the-standard/what/global-ledger/
All use of XBRL requires an application specification, a taxonomy and Rosetta's XBRL/GL taxonomy can be read on our website: www.alphabet.se/XBRL/Rosetta_XBRL-GL_Taxonomy.pdf
This program is the first step in the Rosetta project for future information sharing between paperless accounting systems. Especially the ambition to make bookkeeping in mobile phones with simple internet banking integration with digital receipts and invoices. The Rosetta file format is designed to work in international and multi-language environments. The ambition is to support the integration and automation of the exchange of international trade information and automated administrative support for web commerce.
Specification in English for the Rosetta file format is available on our website. http://www.alphabet.se/Rosetta/Rosetta_Specification.pdf
There is also a free (Apache) Rosetta file IO program library with demo programs that translate files between the formats.
The Rosetta invoice format is not yet implemented and will come in v2, file ref work.
Read more on our website and about digital accounting technology in our specifications: www.alphabet.se