Check if rapport in your relationships can be enhanced, so that your needs are fulfilled in a way that takes into account the needs and the consequent behavioural traits of everyone you interact with. The aim of the Analysis presented by this RapportCheck app is to encourage and empower you to achieve a greater sense of personal validation and self-fulfillment through having the interpersonal skills required to make the most of every kind of friendship and relationship. Analysing the needs, motives, intentions and behaviour of a person you associate with can help rationalize any sense of social anxiety, and bring an emotional intelligence that can help you influence this person while managing your own emotions. How to respond positively in any social situation can be helped through having a greater understanding, and by knowing what to ask a knowledgeable person, or an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered application. The gender selected on the Initiation page ensures that in the questions and texts the person being considered is referred to appropriately as: he, they, or she. There are less than thirty questions to answer, and these are processed to ensure that only coherent and reasonable content is included in the Analysis. An Appraisal of the Analysis is also presented, and details points that a user should pay particular attention to. An Analysis is only offered for viewing when its extent is 20% or more, and when 100% complete it may take over an hour to read at normal speaking speed. The Analysis and the Appraisal are in plain text format, so can be Selected, Copied, and then Pasted into a text editor, like Microsoft's Notepad, and Saved as a .txt file for viewing at a later time.