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Qatra Qatra

Qatra Qatra

Kiadó: Government of Malta
license: Ingyenes


Operációs rendszer
Operációs rendszer


o The main concept of this game will be to provide a platform game environment experience that is also complemented with special levels and side-scroller missions intended for the player to be immersed in a world which must be conquered with the careful use of environmental resources with special focus on water conservation as a resource. Water will be used as the main resource that will be used for a variety of tasks in order to win the game. The game mechanics will guide the player to get a strong grasp of how to manage and conserve better water as a limited renewable resource , with emphasis on defining concepts such as the water cycle, hydrogeological principles, water filtration, using water conservation methods through the use of available technologies within households such as checking for leaks, insulation and the use of grey water. Players will be presented gradually to these concepts through the use of different game mechanics that will be incrementally introduced throughout the game via different components such as the possibility to pass levels by completing quests with the final scope of educating and engaging players. In addition, in-game snippets will be embedded in such a way to enable us to distribute information which cannot be otherwise communicated. The user rankings will be an integral part within the games’ features where cross platform leader boards will serve as means of classifying the best players while also allowing each player to share such achievement with his/her friends through social media. For this reason, it is expected that the social media will be a substantial part within the game where it is will be fully integrated with most commonly used social media platforms to allow players to share their progress and achievements throughout the game. o Il-kunċett ewlieni ta’ din il-logħba se jkun li tipprovdi esperjenza tal-ambjent tal-logħob tal-pjattaforma li hija kkumplimentata wkoll b’livelli speċjali u missjonijiet side-scroller maħsuba biex il-plejer ikun mgħaddas f’dinja li trid tintrebaħ bl-użu bir-reqqa tar-riżorsi ambjentali b’ fokus speċjali fuq il-konservazzjoni tal-ilma bħala riżorsa. L-ilma se jintuża bħala r-riżors ewlieni li se jintuża għal varjetà ta 'kompiti sabiex jirbaħ il-logħba. Il-mekkaniżmi tal-logħba ser jiggwidaw lill-attur biex jikkonserva l-ilma aħjar bħala riżors rinnovabbli limitat, b'enfasi fuq id-definizzjoni ta' kunċetti bħaċ-ċiklu tal-ilma, prinċipji idroġeoloġiċi, filtrazzjoni tal-ilma, bl-użu ta 'metodi ta' konservazzjoni tal-ilma permezz tal- użu ta’ teknoloġiji disponibbli fid-djar, bħall-iċċekkjar ta’ tnixxijiet, insulazzjoni u l-użu ta’ ilma griż. Il-plejers se jiġu introdotti gradwalment għal dawn il-kunċetti permezz tal-użu ta mekkaniżmi ta logħob differenti li se jiġu introdotti b'mod inkrementali matul il-logħba permezz ta' komponenti differenti bħall-possibbiltà li jgħaddu l-livelli billi jlestu quests bl-ambitu finali ta 'edukazzjoni u involviment tal-plejers. Barra minhekk, “snippets” fil-logħba se jkunu inkorporati b'tali mod li jippermettulna nqassmu informazzjoni li ma tistax tiġi kkomunikata mod ieħor. Il-klassifiki tal-utenti se jkunu parti integrali fi ħdan il-karatteristiċi tal-logħob fejn il-bordijiet tal-mexxejja bejn il-pjattaformi se jservu bħala mezz biex jikklassifikaw l-aqwa plejers filwaqt li jippermettu wkoll lil kull plejer jaqsam tali kisba mal-ħbieb tiegħu/tagħha permezz tal-midja soċjali. Għal din ir-raġuni, huwa mistenni li l-midja soċjali se tkun parti sostanzjali fil-logħba fejn se tkun integrata bis-sħiħ mal-pjattaformi tal-midja soċjali l-aktar użati b'mod komuni biex jippermettu lill-plejers jaqsmu l-progress u l-kisbiet tagħhom matul il-logħba.

A vásárlók további kedvencei



kb. Qatra Qatra
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