Money Fox was developed to help you keep track of your finances. What are your budgets? How much money are you spending? What are you spending it on? How could you invest better? How could you save more?
- Create Accounts to either keep track of your current spending or to play around and test out new ways to allocate your budget - Use money transfers, manually or automatically, to simulate your real spending - See statistics of what your spending looks like - Back it all up on your OneDrive to use your data on multiple devices - Set a Password to make sure your data is safe and secure - Regular updates with new features
Check it out, available for Windows and Windows Mobile now.
Are you a developer? Our project is Open-Source, you can contribute https://github.com/MoneyFox/MoneyFox.Windows here - we?d love to share our project with you!
For further improving this app we collect impersonal data about occuring errors and issues.