JAG Field Calculators JFC provides calculators that field construction personnel can use to quickly calculate special items specific to the construction industry like the number trucks required to support an excavation as well as other more common items like the volume and surface area of a sphere or circular slab.
You can pin individual Calculators to the Start screen. You can also text or email the Calculator Output values. This comes in handy when ordering concrete when you're in the field.
See www.jagsw.com/jfchelp.htm for more information about app.
Currently the included calculators are:
3D Solid Geometry Cone Pyramid Tube Sphere
Excavation Haul Trend Excavation Piping
Form Placement Concrete Placement Task Productivity
Concrete Slabs and Footings
Circular Slab Rectangular Slab or Footing
Concrete Walls
Rectangular Wall Circular Wall