ecitizen Governance system is designed, developed and deployed as an integrated platform for collaborative interaction between the administrative frameworks identified by hierarchy of the governments constituting a country. The governments are measured by distinguished by the magnitude of authority they hold and dimension of geography. Primarily there are three levels of governments, the federal (union), the provincial (state) and the local. And at the local government, it is further classified lower units of governance as corporations, municipalities and panchayats to administrator areas delimited into districts, division and towns respectively within a province (state). Needless saying, governments at all levels are directly responsible to citizens, businesses and communities for delivering host of basic services covered under the gamut of sectors including Healthcare, Education, Food Distribution, Electricity, Housing, Employment, Women and Child development, roads ,highways and built infrastructure essential for their socio-economic development on one hand. And on the other, where the services delivery they falls short or fail, provide process for registering grievance for prompt redressal. Besides undertake management of functionalities including human resources | finance | taxation | supply chain | marketing | operations of such establishments, institutions and resources that gets built, developed incidental to providing aforesaid services. Significantly, it is over-the-top deployment of broadband or cellular network with phenomenal digitized capability that integrates the system and brings together the stakeholders.
ecitizen Governance is the boundaryless digitized ecosystem designed to assure ease of collaborations between the stakeholders: the governments to efficiently deliver rapidly evolving largescale basic services needs and the citizens, the businesses and the community to quickly access services and enable uninterrupted communication between them through virtual meeting, mailing and messaging translating into desired, measurable tangible results on the ground such as transparency, participation, local empowerment, demand-responsiveness and greater downward accountability, over time sustainedly.