Chants D'Esperance Pro provides you access to all the lyrics of the song book Chants D'Esperance, and more. Some Tunes are also included with the Lyrics so you can learn and help you worship. As new books, lyrics or tunes become available, you can update the App catalog. This App does include Ads. Other Features include: + Add to Favorites, You can create your own favorite list of songs/lyrics. + Send or share Lyrics via Emails + Listen to the Tune of some Lyrics... +Easy to use and Optimized for Smartphones and Tablet
App contains all 9 hymn books: Chants D'Esperance, Melodies Joyeuse, Reveillons-Nous, La Voix du Reveil, Haiti Chante Avec Radio Lumiere, Echo Des Elus, Gloire a l'Agneau, Reveillons-nous chretiens, L'Ombre du Reveil.