Cable Accounting from Quad Coder is a 100% free Cable Accounting application. This application is those who are the part of the cable tv distribution. It’s simple, reliable, private and secure, so you can easily keep your customers details upto date and maintain their accounts. Cable Accounting application works across mobile and desktop so that you are free to maintain your account from anywhere, with no subscription fees*.
1. Manage Customers 2. Manage SetTop Boxes 3. Create Monthly Report 4. Maintain SetTop Boxes details with your provider 5. Collection Agent Mobile Application 6. Track Agent with Maps 7. Customer Geo Location, So that any agent can reach your connection address easily. 8. Multi different area owners in single application 9. Multi kind of reporting to get updated with your account. 10. Notification system. 11. and many more.
Upcoming Features: 1. Chatting with your agents 2. Complaint Management System, So that connection can easily register the complaint and check the current status. 3. and we are open for the new options, that we can add in the application.
For more information or any request you can contact us [email protected]
*Data charges may apply. Contact your provider for details.