Anagrammar is a word game that takes a pair of 4-letter words, and gives you the job of creating a new word from them. Make as many as you can, and try to get 8-letter words, you know, for posterity!
--> Features .
Online Leaderboard -Heavily Requested, online leaderboard now exists. -Must log in to MS account to post score -See Privacy Policy regarding Online Leaderboard (Hint: I don't want, nor have, your personal information)
Rules and General Game Info -You can't use the words you are given as anagram answers. Period. -Words must be 3 or more letters long. -Score is calculated on letter obscurity, time taken to create the new anagram, and word length.
--This app has an unlimited free trial, which is ad supported.
--Please also note I am an independent developer, and feedback is VERY IMPORTANT to me! I want to make my apps the best they can be, and if there are issues I want to fix them. If this app turned your life around (or was just fun, which is more likely), I really want to know! Email me (it's on the about page), or leave a review!