It looks like you’re trying to build a UI? Would you like help?
XAML Studio, a Microsoft Garage project will help you rapidly prototype UWP XAML that can be easily copied into your app in Visual Studio. XAML Studio lets you preview your XAML code in real-time and interact with the result just like it was running in your own app!
This instant response lets you quickly iterate on ideas visually, copy in examples from docs to explore, and test the final behavior all at the same time in one app easily downloaded from the store. You can even download it and get started prototyping while installing Visual Studio!
XAML Studio also includes a suite of tools to help you develop. Provide Data Context to your UI to fill it with static test data or live data from a JSON REST API. Then use our revolutionary binding debugging to not only see how a back-end data source connects to the front-end UI, but spot where errors are occurring and what the most recent values were.