MagicSDR makes it possible to interactively explore RF spectrum using panadapter and waterfall visualization, demodulate and play AM, SSB, CW, NFM, WFM signals, collect frequencies. Built on the principle of plug-in architecture, MagicSDR - powerful and flexible next-generation SDR (software-defined radio) application. Typical applications are dx-ing, ham radio, radio astronomy, and spectrum analysis. Explore the spectrum everywhere! MagicSDR processes signals that are streamed over the local network from the rtl_tcp server, which is running on the host computer. To start playing with MagicSDR, you need to set up a server on a host computer to which SDR peripherals (rtl-sdr dongle) will be connected. Support Hardware: - RTLSDR dongle - Any other radio that supports the rtl_tcp server - Hermes Lite - Airspy R2/mini/HF+, SDRplay RSP via MagicLink - AIRSPY Server Network Main features: - Wide band spectrum view - AM/SSB/CW/NFM/WFM demodulator - Frequency bookmarks - Audio over UDP for external data decoders - Record audio Feedback and bug reports are always welcome.