Download FREE BharatMatrimony App and get a perfect partner., where more marriages happen than anywhere in the world, is the most preferred destination by 80% of Indians looking for a life partner.
After establishing a strong leadership in the Internet space, BharatMatrimony has entered the mobile/tablet domain to add convenience and speed to life partner search.
The BharatMatrimony FREE Windows App will help users connect to their life partner anywhere and anytime. Using the application you can:
- Register and create your profile just as you would do online - Search for suitable Brides or Grooms matching your preference - Contact members through Express Interest or Personalised Messages - Reply to the Interests and Messages that you have received - Use the “Magic Match” feature that lets you shake and get your match instantly. - “New Matches” gets you new matching profiles every day based on your partner preference. - “Matches Near Me” gets you matching profiles near to your current location. - All activities done on your app will be seamlessly integrated with the site
Bharatmatrimony has been recognized as the Most Successful, Innovative & Preferred Destination for Partner Search. Whatever awards and recognition we have earned, we owe it to our members whose trust has helped us reach great heights. Some are listed below:
- 80% of Indians use BharatMatrimony for their matrimony search Juxt Consult 2011 Survey
- Top 50 companies in India, 2011- Deloitte. Also recognized in 2008 & 2009
- The No.1 Matrimony Site for NRIs - Juxt Consult 2010 Survey
- Only Matrimony Site in the Limca Book of Records for record number of documented marriages online.
- Won the Red Herring 100 Global Award for being one of the most innovative companies in the world.
- BharatMatrimony had been selected for the NASSCOM Innovation Awards in 2009, 2008 & 2007.
Get started! Your life partner is waiting to be discovered. Download Now!
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