Vehicle Battle Royal is an online multiplayer game. You can play this game with your friend and family on mobile and desktop. This is a cross-platform game. That's why this game will be available on windows and android Inshallah. You can find this game in the windows store and play store in Inshallah. Inshallah, you will get some free assets with this game when you buy this game. So Also this is a car game. You and your friend fight in the car.
What's the theme of this game?
You have to create or find a game. When you go inside the game or level you can now find an enemy or your AI enemy also you can shoot your friend too. when you kill everyone in that match you will win. You have to kill everyone in that match.
The player is a car. you are also a car but the AI is a character.
you also have to survive the RED REGION. The RED REGION will damage your health.
You will get 5 slots for your Vehicle Battle Royal. 2 for GUN 2 for HEALTH 1 for GRANDE.
The New AI Enemy will be there as army soldiers. You have to kill them all by yourself. If you kill all you will be the winner of the match. You can also get help from your friend but for that, your friend Also has to join the server. You have to remember your friend can kill also you can kill your friend. you can talk to your friend by voice chat. When you guys killed all enemies you will get a winner banner at the top. Make this game enjoyable. When you create a match you will get 50 players. Remember only 50 players support the server on this car game. Make cross-over with PC and Mobile. I hope you like this with your friend.
How many guns on this game?
In this game, you will get 5 types of guns. SMG, SHOTGUN, SNIPER, PISTOL & also ASSAULT RIFLE.
Every Gun will be in a different area. You have to find them and take them.
understand Which gun gives how much damage
The Pistol Gives 15 damage The Sniper Rifle Gives you 65 damage The SMG Gives you 10 damage The Shot Gun Give 45 damage The Assault Rifle 35 damage
Remember you take only 2 guns at a time.
When you kill an enemy you will get some ammo. When you die you can retry one more time. Have a good with this game
is this Game too hard?
If you can control your hand perfectly you can get killed in this game.
But the enemy is dangerous. They can easily kill you. Their one shot will give you 10 damage. they can easily kick you hard. So keep in your mind don't get too close to the enemy. It will throw you too far. sometimes they will be on you. So play carefully.
when you kill all you will get the win. then you can get another kill. you can play with your friend and get killed together.
is this game show me violence?
Not exactly, You can kill enemies with your gun just that. You then got killed then will respawn again. When you get killed you can restart another game.
and then as you do create a new game or find a game. for the next play. try many times to win. I leave you will win this game. Become a good player. Win this game. you talk with your friend and win This game.
you both can kill the same enemy. Become a good player. Remember The server host can kill you but you can't kill the host. So be alert.