Quoridor 3D To win the game you must be the first who reach the line opposite to your base line. RULES FOR 2 PLAYERS When the game starts the fences are placed in their storage area (10 for each player). Each player places his pawn in the centre of his base line.
How To Play The Game Quoridor: Each player in turn, chooses to move his pawn or to put up one of his fences. When he has run out of fences, the player must move his pawn.
Positioning of the fences The fences must be placed between 2 sets of 2 squares. The fences can be used to facilitate the player’s progress or to impede that of the opponent, however, an access to the goal line must always be left open.
END OF GAME The first player who reaches one of the 9 squares opposite his base line is the winner.
TIME OF GAME From 10 to 20 minutes. In a tournament, it possible to allocate a set time to each player. RULES FOR 4 PLAYERS When the game starts, the 4 pawns are placed in the centre of each of the sides of the board and each player is given 5 fences. The rules are identical to those for two players, but it is forbidden to jump more than one pawn.