"Numerology by Yves Pflieger" is a professional program conceived of and developed by Yves Pflieger, software engineer, author of several software in numerology and also in culture (World Heritage) since 1995. Developed in partnership with numerologists, this application is reputed for its professional quality, easy user interface and for its richness in interpretations (above thirty components of name and date of birth are analyzed).
This professionally designed program will help you to decode the secret aspects of your name and date of birth. It studies the personality according to the strict precepts of numerology, i.e. taking into account the full name at birth with all middle names without omitting accent markings (if any) to ensure the relevance of the analysis. Generate in one mouse click full personality analysis, couple's compatibility as well as numerological forecasts (yearly, monthly and even daily forecasts). In particular, this application highlights the three main pillars of the personality: who is he/she (common behavior in society), what does he/she like, how does he/she defend himself in event of conflict ? Thus it is easier to determine the personality type of others.
"Numerology by Yves Pflieger" allows the study of as many identities as desired. This program allows you to become more efficient in numerology whether your activity is professional or just a hobby. App-in purchases allow you to acquire additional reproduction rights allowing exportation, printing and selling of personality analysis, numerological forecasts and couple's compatibility. More information in terms of use.