LaCantina is an app that uses your computer's Bluetooth hardware and ultra-high frequency sounds to communicate simultaneously with your toys, making them interact with the environment and with each other.
For more detailed and disclaimer information, please visit https://titanets.com/lacantina
Extended Edition connects with the following Units: Droid Depot Units * R-Series * C-Series * BB-Series * BD-Series * D-O Sphero Units * R2-D2 * R2-Q5 * BB-9E * Force Band Hasbro Units * The Last Jedi Smart R2-D2 * D-O Interactive Droid * Furbacca * Furby Boom
The app is a DOS game with no more graphics than ascii characters that simulate a bar with sounds, effects and music. Your toys will react differently to various situations, environments, and rooms.
LaCantina is distributed in 5 different floors: * The Basement Chamber where you can win credits answering trivia questions. * The Secret Stakes room where you can play Blackjack with your Units. They will be making jokes and eventually revealing secrets about the game and features. * The Lobby distributed as following: - A reception area divided in two places (Talking Area & Processing Area). - Two celebration holiday rooms (Christmas & Halloween). - Two different stores where you can acquire memberships to specific rooms. - A bartender saloon where you can order drinks for your Units. * The Art Gallery where you can enjoy ancient art made with ascii characters. * The Starlight Theater where you can enjoy a movie with the company of your units.
You have goals you need to achieve as well as rewards.
Enjoy and good luck!
IMPORTANT: This edition will receive updates related with Hasbro, Droid Depot and Sphero devices.