Scratch off instant lottery tickets as you visit exotic places around the world like a true jet-setter!
Collect interesting souvenirs from locations around the globe through scratching a wide variety of beautiful and compelling cards themed in styles which make you anticipate the next one with great eagerness and joy. With frequent jet-setting, you will gain VIP status, allowing you to live the true high-life!
Place your tray tables up and seat back to the upright position, you are about to take off on a Jet-Set adventure!
Five Coveted Destinations worthy of the most discerning traveler!
• Lay on the Beach in Sunny and Gorgeous Jamaica • Experience the Seriously Charming and Delightful Spain • Visit Ruins in Warm and Ancient Greece • Fascinate Your Senses in Truly Exotic India • Sip tea and take in the Wonders of Japan
A Wide Variety of Mini-Games that add Loads Fun and Suspense
• Gift-Pile gives you free money • Frequent Flyer collect money until a whammy • Choose the Order allows you to collect the most money •Tipping Point you get as close as possible to the high money values without going over and win
Fifteen Unique, Interestingly Varied and Gorgeous Location-themed scratcher cards!
Competitive Leaderboards, Worthwhile Achievements, Fun Goals!
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