Ironworm, the toughest and stretchiest hero this side of Skull Peaks is about to kick some bug!
"This game just oozes character. Every detail, from the word balloons to the umlaut in the game’s title, adds to the fun." 5/5 appadvice.com
"A solidly crafted and unique action platformer" 4/5 iFanzine.com
"[Ironworm] blends traditional platforming elements with a fun little story and a very unique gameplay style." 4/5 apptudes.com
"Ironworm is all about body count, throwing players into the midst of a war between worms and bugs in which you need to smash as many flying enemies as possible." appolicious.com
"Ironworm is definitely a game that is worth its price" appbite.com
An epic war waged for decades is about to culminate in a final showdown. A massive horde of buzzing bug enemies stands before Ironworm. Some will try to mercilessly home in on our squishy hero, while others will shoot from a distance. Some will explode in Ironworm's face.
As Ironworm, you must rely on your spiky tail and fight your way to the final challenge: The villainous Boss Bug!
Check out the trailer here: http://bit.ly/ironwormvid