Easily create mathematical equations, formulas and quizzes. Intuitively type or handwrite, with no tricky math code to learn. Equatio digital math can only be inserted to and extracted from Microsoft Word.
Until now, writing equations and math expressions on your computer has been slow and laborious. Equatio makes math digital, helping teachers and students at all levels create math expressions quickly and easily.
Type or handwrite virtually any mathematical expression directly on your keyboard or touchscreen. There’s no need for any complicated code or programming languages.
Equatio instantly turns your thoughts into clear, accurate on-screen formulas. When you type ‘sq’, it knows that you mean ‘square root’. And it listens, too. When you dictate a formula aloud, Equatio is smart enough to ignore ‘umms’, ‘errs’ and other unwanted non-math words.
More than a replacement for pen and paper, Equatio makes math and other STEM subjects engaging and rewarding for every student.
Trial Information All features are available for 30 days, after this period only Speech input, Handwriting recognition (2 per day), Support for Maths Writing Shortcuts, Static graphing and LaTeX input can be used.