IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. This app requires having either a (Sparkfun) weather shield + station connected to the computer via USB, running EMeteo's custom software (available at https://esdelibro.emeteo.app/descargas/), or a PC (ie. Raspberry Pi) connected to a network with EMeteo's custom software running. 2. This application is not a weather forecast app. Also, it will not provide online weather data. Please use another application if you need those functions.
Award-winning open-source weather station data receiver and visualizer app.
EMeteo is an application originaly intended to provide support for the Sparkfun weather station and shield, but it can be used with every other weather station equipment that sends the appropiate information.
Features: - Live, serial weather data visualization in an easy-to-use graphical interface. - Remote importation of data for a wireless experience. - Visualize your weather data using graphs and obtain useful statistics from it. - Add plugins to extend the main application functionality.
Online guide (currently in Spanish) available at: https://esdelibro.emeteo.app/manual-de-uso/