ClipNotes for Windows is now a Windows 10 UWP app for desktops and tablets to help you retrieve preselected segments of a video and show them together with any notes you might wish to present while the segments are showing. To do this, you must first prepare an XML file which contains the starting and stopping times of the segments you wish to access, together with a caption to appear on a list, and any description you want to display. A blank template for creating xml files is available at the support website, as well as a sample (the one first used in the app). ClipNotes for Windows comes preloaded with a short public-domain film and an introductory XML file, so that you can immediately see the usefulness and power of ClipNotes for Windows. When you have your own videos and xml files ready, you can open them easily by right-clicking. ClipNotes for Windows will automatically remember your choices the next time you open the app.
ClipNotes for Windows is designed for any use of film or video where you want to easily retrieve selected segments, along with your notes. The uses may be educational, personal, or any time you want to use video in a convenient and innovative manner. This is a tool for studying and presenting visual materials with annotations. All you must do to accomplish this is create xml files to accompany your videos.