This app is designed to make copy of your SMS communication, but copy outside cloud and similar things (export it). Since v.1909, it can also import SMS (from own file). It can be treated as replacement for "Contacts + Message Backup" that stops working long ago.
It has two modes: 1. create on demand copy of your SMS/MMS communication: a) full (can take long time; be patient and observe counting on screen) b) from today 2. automatically create copy mentioned in 1.b , about midnight
All files are placed on SD card, in folder \DataLogs\BackupSMS, subfolder year, subfolder month (e.g. \DataLogs\BackupSMS\2018\11). When there is no SD card, exported data can be shared.
Files are in text file, with values separated by "|" (similar to CSV), without any encryption. So please take care of them.
App requires access to: a) your communication, to be able to make export of it (or import it); b) to your contact, to change phone numbers to contact names (read-only access).