VIALINK offers a reliable and modern solution to sign documents with a Digital Signature Certificate issued by an external certificate authority (not VIALINK) hosted on a USB token
There are numerous advantages: - Compatibility with every external token (smart card, USB token, etc...) - Fast integration through the VIALINK API. Our solution is compatible with every browser - The signature level relies on the certificate of the signatorie's Certificate Authority and the signature's validation relies on the PIN code. - Signatures are traced on a time-stamped evidence PDF file, legally binding in case of contentious cases.
How does it work? 1) The requester creates the signature request using the VIALINK SIGN API 2) The signatorie receives the signature request. The SIGN Windows App (downloaded beforehand) is launched automatically, allowing the signatorie to sign the document using an external token 3) The requester is notified of the signature (through webhook API) and can download the VIALINK's evidence file
Pre-requisites before the installation - Download the Windows App - compatible with Windows 7/8.1/10 - Integration of the VIALINK SIGN API - Fill the supported Certificate Authorities