Shows a users statistics from the Turf game.
These statistics are presented in the app: - Rank - Points, points rate and number of zones owned - Points to next rank - Next rank - Current position (in the world) - Zones taken, unique zones taken - Zones left to new medal, both total zones and unique zones - Block-time - Takeover-time - Home region - Medals if any, and how many - Current owned zones if any
Also available: - Option to show the users id after the username. - Option to show last update time after the username. - Optional auto refresh of statistics and counters. - Optional progress bar with percent of points taken to the next rank. - List of all ranks, with needed points and the takeover time and block time for every rank. Current rank is marked with another color. - List of all medals that can be achieved. Owned medals are marked with another color. - Start date and time for upcoming rounds. - Setting for using thousands separator or not and which character to use. - Settings for which statistics to be displayed. - A counter function for points and zones that can be reset at any time.