Romania News up-to-date
The Niuz application brings in one place the latest news and updates from the main Romanian media channels and newspapers. User has the possibility to select his own categories of interests and sources of information. You can find both generic and local categories to stay up to date with the latest news from your county. The application provides a continuous flow of news 24 hours a day.
News Sources
You can find over 100 news sources from Romania in order to be able to follow only what interests you: - Stirile PRO TV - Digi24 - Hotnews - Libertatea - Adevarul - - Telekomsport - Digisport - Gandul - Mediafax - Realitatea - Observator - Cancan - Recorder - Agerpress - Automarket - DigiSport - Europa Libera - Stiri TVR - local newspapers: Timisoara, Cluj, Iasi, Craiova, Constanta, Bacau, Galati, Neamt, Sibiu, Suceava, Vaslui, etc - more others
News Categories
225 / 5,000 - Economy news - Politics news - Business news - Sport news - Agro news - Foreign news - Health news - Reports - Education news - Tech news - Local news - Horoscope news - Monden news - Coronavirus news - etc
Video News
The user can 'subscribe' to certain YouTube channels with the possibility to watch the latest video news directly from the application. Available YouTube sources: - Antena 3 - Agerpress - B1TV - STIRO - Libertatea - etc
The app also provides current weather details as well as a forecast for the next few days.
Listen to radio stations directly from the application to be always up to date with the latest news! Available stations: - DigiFM - eteatru - Europa Libera - National FM - PRO FM - Radio Impuls - Rock FM - Vibe FM
The application can be used successfully on both mobile and tablet!
- Stiri de ultima ora, 24 ore din 24, actualizate in permanenta, de la toate sursele din Romania: ziare si publicatii online - Cel mai performant agregator de stiri. - Stiri nationale si locale - Stiri in format video - stiri la radio - starea vremii actualizata - stiri despre horoscop - alege sursele de stiri - alege categoriile de stiri - vizioneaza stiri - asculta radio stiri
Teistele meeldivad
- 3
Microsoft News
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 3
Microsoft News
- 4
- 5
- 6