Freely to Send Everywhere. Cross-platform, Free, Fast, & Simple
Whether you’re using devices with different systems such as iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Android, or Windows, just connecting to the same location network, then FreeSend lets you freely, safely, and easily transmit any files on the above devices, giving you more time to focus on what matters.
Key feature: - Transmit data with just a few clicks between devices, even if they are different operation systems. - Share across OS ecosystems (iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Android, and Windows) - Search device IP on the local network. - Auto-detect whether your device is connected to a Wi-Fi or Ethernet network for preparing to transmit data between different devices.
More details about FreeSend: - Software Website: https://github.com/SHING-MING-STUDIO/FreeSend - Software FAQ: https://hackmd.io/@ShingMing/FreeSendFAQ - Software License: https://hackmd.io/@ShingMing/FreeSendLicense - Privacy Policy: https://hackmd.io/@ShingMing/ShingMingStudioPrivacyPolicy