Captain Foster was alone in the cave – trying to dry off his soaked clothes and boots from the heat of the fire he had managed to light. The rain was pouring down and lightning was striking the trees & mountains outside. Foster thought about his battalion and wondered where they are – the weather had made him loose his tracks. He tried to make plans to go out as soon as the weather gets better and regroup with his men and find his way out in this unknown valley.
The morning light brought with it calmness to the weather. It was still raining but it was possible to go out and look for his men and hunt for some food.
It is time to load up your sniper rifle and jump into the wilds. Play the role of Captain Foster and help him feed himself. You have one Elite Sniper Rifle which can be used for hunting but if you use your Elite shooting skills and successfully hunt some deer, you can buy high range sniper guns.
To kill a deer, simply find it with help of long range gun scope and follow deer’s tracks to take a clear headshot. Keep in mind though that you are among the wilds and trying to eat what would have ended up as the lion’s food. You have to hunt the deer before getting to the loins or you will lose the hunt and the lions can you.
You will see beautiful sceneries like wildlife, forest and mountains in the game and enjoy the sounds of weapons, lions, birds and family of Red & Mole dear's.