"COM-CRM Pro" is a C.R.M solution (Customer Relationship Management). It is a "Microsoft Store" application easy to use and targeting small businesses. "COM-CRM Pro" has a responsive user interface.
The goal of a C.R.M tool is to help a company to manage its customers and prospective customers, to serve them as well as possible. "COM-CRM Pro" is turned towards the marketing and commercial functions.
The constitution of a database of the customers allows to better know them and to classify them: from "cold prospect" to "good customer".
The application helps, via emailing, to search new customers and to establish customer loyalty.
Product marketing emailings allow to promote your products and generate sales.
It allows to manage the business appointments.
COM-CRM Pro is integrated with the Microsoft environment: * use Microsoft Outlook © account to send/receive emails * synchronization of addresses on Microsoft Contacts © * synchronization of events on Microsoft Calendar © * save/restore database easily from/to OneDrive ©
After-Sales Support management tracks customer complaints and keeps track of the responses sent.
The user interface of "COM-CRM Pro" is available in three languages: English, French and Spanish.