Try to punch all boxers coming from both side to attack you. Beat em Up !!! BOXING FIGHTER : SUPER PUNCH is the best action boxing game ever. Fight against tons of boxers and their BOSS. Get ready to rumble ! Can you knock them out ? You can use all boxing technics: jab, cross, uppercut, direct punch. Unlock special moves to increase your power and beat them all. You can even unlock unauthorized hits like headbutts, kicks, stealth attacks. Not enough to destroy them? Throw chairs at them, or bottles and even your so faithful dog. Give all what you have BOXING FIGHTER : SUPER PUNCH is a tribute to pixel and retro games. Feel the energy of the 80s and the 90s when you were playing in gaming arcades. Remember your favorite boxing movie, and become this boxing hero in this classic game. Come get some. Let the battle begin !