A crafting calculator for ArcheAge and ArcheAge: Unchained. Very simple at the moment, the interface will be entirely reworked down the line to make it more user-friendly. For now, however, here are a few useful commands so you can make use of it: CRAFT["item name"] - Shows crafting breakdown of recipe based on the output's name. CRAFT[recipeId] - Shows crafting breakdown of recipe based on its ID. RECIPE["item name"] - Shows all recipes that have a certain item as output. TREE["item name"] - Creates a pretty printed tree based on the crafting recipe. OPTIMALTREE["item name"] - Creates a pretty printed tree based on the crafting recipe, including only the cheapest recipes. SAVELOCAL - Dumps the online data to file, allowing you to use the calculator offline. SAVEPRICES - Saves price information to the upstream copy. SYNCPRICES - Syncs price information with the upstream copy.