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The product (Image Viewer Pro) is a universal image viewer for you. It supports over 170 formats of image. It is free to view images of any format. If you want to Print and Convert your images, you might need upgrade to the full version which costs $6.99. The formats that support opening and conversion are as follows: heic; svg; svgz; ttf; tiff; tif; tga; svgz; bmp; jpg; jpeg; png; gif;jp2;ppm;nef;svg;arw;crw;bmp2; threefr; threeg2; threegp; a;arw;avs; b; bgr; bgra; bgro; bmp; bmp2; bmp3; c; cal; cals; canvas; caption; cin; clip; cmyk; cmyka; cr2; crw; cur; cut; dcm; dcr; dcx; dds; dfont; dib; dng; dpx; dxt1; dxt5; epdf; epi; eps; epsf; epsi; ept; ept2; ept3; erf; fax; file; fits; fractal; ftp; fts; g; g3; g4; gif; gif87; gradient; gray; graya; group4; hald; hdr; heic; hrz; http; https; icb; ico; icon; iiq; inline; ipl; j2c; j2k; jng; jnx; jp2; jpc; jpe; jpeg; jpg; jpm; jps; jpt; k; k25; kdc; label; m; m2v; mac; map; mask; mat; mef; miff;mng; mono; mpc; mrw; msl; msvg; mtv; mvg; nef; nrw; null; o; orf; otb; otf; pal; palm; pam; pango; pattern; pbm; pcd; pcds; pcl; pct; pcx;pdfa; pef; pes; pfa; pfb; pfm; pgm; pgx; picon; pict; pix; pjpeg; plasma; png; png00; png24; png32; png48; png64; png8; pnm; ppm;ptif; pwp; r; radialgradient; raf; ras; raw; rgb; rgba; rgbo; rgf; rla; rle; rmf; rw2; scr; screenshot; sct; sfw; sgi; six; sixel; sr2;stegano; sun; text; tga; tif; tiff; tiff64; tile; tim; ttc; ttf; txt; uyvy; vda; vicar; vid; viff; vips; vst; wbmp; wpg; x3f; xbm; xc; xcf; xpm; xv; y; ycbcr; ycbcra; yuv;emf; exr; flif; wmf; webp