Use this program to keep track of your people (friends, family, work associates, etc.). Displays the people in your own private database, and lets you Add, Delete and Update each person's data. When you add a new person you can select family, friend, associate, acquaintance. If family, also select a family relation type (viz. sibling, child, parent, aunt, uncle, in-law, etc.). Click a person's name in the list to display their data. Use the Up and Down arrows to browse the list. The data elements (fields) of the selected person are shown on the right. You can also use the Pick feature to select a person using Sort and Filters, and to Print and Export data in various report formats (including the ability to print address labels). Click Settings to choose various app options, such as Default Report, including setting up user defined categories. Click QuickLook to display address, emails, and phone numbers, and to copy selected data to the clipboard, or, to Send an email on the fly.