CNCR turns a stepper motor controlled rotary table into a CNC controlled device. It makes it easy to accurately set a position, rotate an index step back and forth, move between two positions, select a tool (ATC) or run at a constant speed. An automated lock signal can lock the rotary table between moves. Place the rotary table on the cross slide of your lathe and you can change tools by pressing a button. CNCR is optimized to run on a small 7" touchscreen. The supported controller is GRBL version 1.1 (grblHAL, Grbl_ESP32 or compatible), free open-source controllers based on affordable Arduino hardware. The controller can be connected by USB, Bluetooth or a (Wi-Fi) network. The app is also provided as a unlimited 30 days trial version. If you ever wanted to CNC your rotary table, this is the easy and affordable way to do it. Considering a CNC lathe, checkout CNCL.