BUSstok IS NOT an official application of Bialostocka Komunikacja Miejska.
BUSstok is an application that uses data from Bialostocka Komunikacja Miejska ( and provide real-time departures on Windows Phone devices. It contains full database of stops and routes operating around the city. Main features: - Search via street name, district or bus stop code - Nearby map with all bus stops around you - Add as favourite option will store your most regularly used bus stops - Pin bus stop to start will give you super-fast way to access real-time departures - Full timetables. Once downloaded, always ready to use - Browsing all stops from particular route on a list
What's new in this version:
- option to set Home & Work/School stop - each stop contains information about routes departing from that stop - unlimited number of favourites - unlimited number of timetables - unlimited number of pinned tiles - no ads