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Anoc is a secure Octave Editor (Matlab clone) for your Windows Device. It allows you to create and manage Octave projects directly on your Windows device and generate the result and plots by using Verbosus (Online Octave Editor)
"Octave is [...] intended for numerical computations. It provides capabilities for the numerical solution of linear and nonlinear problems, and for performing other numerical experiments. It also provides extensive graphics capabilities for data visualization and manipulation"
This software is provided "as is" without warranties or conditions of any kind, either expressed or implied.
Features: * Use a dedicated server that runs a full Octave installation to perform expensive mathematical calculations * 2 Modes: Local Mode (stores .m files on your device) and Cloud Mode (synchronizes your projects with the cloud) * Generate and view the result and plots from your Octave code * Encrypted transmission to the server by using HTTPS * Syntax highlighting (comments) * Two factor authentication (Cloud Mode in combination with Copiosus) * Web-Interface (Cloud Mode) * Hotkeys * No ads
Use function files: Create a new file e.g. worker.m and fill it with
function s = worker(x) % worker(x) Calculates sine(x) in degrees s = sin(x*pi/180);
In your main .m file you can call it with