Amethyst is a modular platform with support for device plugins that you can write yourself. By default it comes with device plugins for Xbox 360 Kinect, Xbox One Kinect, PSMoveService(Ex) and owoTrack.
Support for many devices! By default, Amethyst supports Xbox 360 Kinect, Xbox One Kinect, PlayStation Move (+ PlayStation Eye) and owoTrack. You can actually add support for more devices via plugins. They're built to be simpler to make than a full SteamVR driver to ease development.
We have OSC! Every supported device and plugin in Amethyst can communicate with a Meta Quest headset for OSC trackers. We plan on adding support for other OSC-based protocols like OSCQuery and VirtualMotionCapture.
Tracker freeze and skeleton flip You can use a controller combo to pause tracking while in VR. This allows you to keep sitting or laying down poses for longer. Skeleton flip uses the orientation of your headset or external waist tracking data. (Either directly inside Amethyst or in SteamVR.) and uses it to allow the Kinect's skeleton tracking to turn around.
Easy calibration We've worked a ton on making calibration in Amethyst as easy and reliable as ever. Make sure your head is tracked, put your headset on, and follow the video inside the app. You'll be done in 30 seconds!