This Synthetic Rig course explains all of the synths and FX Rack Extensions bundled in the Synthetic Rig collection. Expert producer Mo Volans gives you a detailed exploration of each Rack Extension (RE) as he deploys them, one-by-one constructing an electronic dance music loop. Starting with the drum machines and continuing with the booming basses, powerful synths, arpeggiators and glitch & distortion FX, this course gives you all the inside info you need to squeeze the most delicious sonics out of this Synthetic Rig bundle.
This 32- tutorial course explains and explores the following Rack Extensions and ReFills:
3Plex 3x Line Filter Delay Bitspeek VK-1 Viking Synthesizer BOOM 808 Percussion Synth Buffre Beat Repeater ReDominator Polyphonic Synthesizer EDS06s Drum Synth Euclid Rhythm Generator Glitch Effect Korg MonoPoly PunchBDRE Instrument Resampler SB Filter Pattern SB Slice Arranger SubBoomBassRE Instrument Synchronous
Whether you dive in to simply learn about some specific Rack Extensions or devour the whole collection of tutorials, watching this course will inspire you to explore and unlock all the creative potential contained within Propellerheads' collection of synths and FX in Synthetic Rig.