Your digital Bible. Free 30-day trial available. A simple way to read and to study the Authorised King James Version of the Bible, without distractions. Switch on Strong's numbering to check the meaning and usage of words in the original Hebrew and Greek. Search for words, phrases and combinations in English or by Strong's number - or mix both in the same search. Build a list of bookmarks of references to study a theme or to come back to later. Store your own notes with each verse. Scroll naturally from side to side to keep reading across chapter boundaries. Free from obvious religious symbols, and no background music. • The Authorised King James Version of the Bible • Add your own notes, kept locally or save to your OneDrive folder • Optional Strong's numbering, definitions and searches • Chronological study aids and selected interactive maps • Light and Dark theme switching • Your own bookmarks • Build your own notes library • A daily readings scheme • Optimised for touch-screen devices & tablets as well as for desktops & laptops