Birds are everywhere around us, discover their wonderful world with Phoenix Bird Database!
Accurate data for over 29.000 subspecies with Scientific Name, Order, Family, Genus, Author, Discovery year, World Number, Geographic Distribution map and common names in English, Italian and Irish.
Exploit the power of the cloud for automatic relevant images during your exploration and add your own notes, pictures, songs, video or drawings!
Powerful search tools and taxonomy tree view enable you to explore a huge archive of data with ease in an innovative way. Keep track of your bird lists, customize settings for a tailored experience or the kiosk-mode.
Modern and simple User Interface, full touch-screen support, designed for Windows 10/11 Tablet, Laptop and Desktop computers.
Ideal for Museums, Research Centers, Universities, Birdwatcher and Amateurs.
"To know one thing from another", wrote Linneaus, "permanent distinct names must be given... recorded and remembered"
This database has been built from famous lists like "the Peters"*, universally recognized, and the most used in the world.
* Check-list of birds of the world, James Lee Peters, Assistant curator of birds, Museum of comparative zoology at Harvard College, Harvard University Press, 1931
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