Generate large, heterogeneous, real-world data for any development, testing or demonstration purposes. - Supports field nesting. - Export SQL, JSON, CSV and other files. - Supports data conversion: to JSON, SQL, CSV, HTML, XML, Java, C#, TypeScript, JSONSchema, etc. - Support rich data types - Address - ZipCode - Get a zipcode. - City - Get a city name. - StreetAddress - Get a street address. - CityPrefix - Get a city prefix. - CitySuffix - Get a city suffix. - StreetName - Get a street name. - BuildingNumber - Get a building number. - StreetSuffix - Get a street suffix. - SecondaryAddress - Get a secondary address like 'Apt. 2' or 'Suite 321'. - County - Get a county. - Country - Get a country. - FullAddress - Get a full address like Street, City, Country. - CountryCode - Get a random ISO 3166-1 country code. - State - Get a random state state. - StateAbbr - Get a state abbreviation. - Latitude - Get a Latitude. - Longitude - Get a Longitude. - Direction - Generates a cardinal or ordinal direction. IE: Northwest, South, SW, E. - CardinalDirection - Generates a cardinal direction. IE: North, South, E, W. - OrdinalDirection - Generates an ordinal direction. IE: Northwest, Southeast, SW, NE. - Commerce - Department - Get a random commerce department. - Price - Get a random product price. - Categories - Get random product categories. - ProductName - Get a random product name. - Color - Get a random color. - Product - Get a random product. - ProductAdjective - Random product adjective. - ProductMaterial - Random product material. - Ean8 - Get a random EAN-8 barcode number. - Ean13 - Get a random EAN-13 barcode number. - Company - CompanySuffix - Get a company suffix. "Inc" and "LLC" etc. - CompanyName - Get a company name. - CatchPhrase - Get a company catch phrase. - Bs - Get a company BS phrase. - Database - Column - Generates a column name. - Type - Generates a column type. - Collation - Generates a collation. - Engine - Generates a storage engine. - Date - Past - Get a DateTime in the past between refDate and yearsToGoBack. - PastOffset - Get a DateTimeOffset in the past between refDate and yearsToGoBack. - Soon - Get a DateTime that will happen soon. - SoonOffset - Get a DateTimeOffset that will happen soon. - Future - Get a DateTime in the future between refDate and yearsToGoForward. - FutureOffset - Get a DateTimeOffset in the future between refDate and yearsToGoForward. - Between - Get a random DateTime between start and end. - BetweenOffset - Get a random DateTimeOffset between start and end. - Recent - Get a random DateTime within the last few days. - RecentOffset - Get a random DateTimeOffset within the last few days. - Timespan - Get a random TimeSpan. - Month - Get a random month. - Weekday - Get a random weekday. - Finance - Account - Get an account number. Default length is 8 digits. - AccountName - Get an account name. Like "savings", "checking", "Home Loan" etc.. - Amount - Get a random amount. Default 0 - 1000. - TransactionType - Get a transaction type: "deposit", "withdrawal", "payment", or "invoice". - Currency - Get a random currency. - CreditCardNumber - Generate a random credit card number with valid Luhn checksum. - CreditCardCvv - Generate a credit card CVV. - BitcoinAddress - Generates a random Bitcoin address. - EthereumAddress - Generate a random Ethereum address. - RoutingNumber - Generates an ABA routing number with valid check digit. - Bic - Generates Bank Identifier Code (BIC) code. - Iban - Generates an International Bank Account Number (IBAN). - Hacker - Abbreviation - Returns an abbreviation. - Adjective - Returns a adjective. - Noun - Returns a noun. - Verb - Returns a verb. - IngVerb - Returns a verb ending with -ing. - Phrase - Returns a phrase. - Images - DataUri - Get a SVG data URI image with a specific width and height. - PicsumUrl - Get an image from the service. - PlaceholderUrl - Get an image from service. - LoremFlickrUrl - Get an image from service. - LoremPixelUrl - Creates an image URL with Note: This service is slow. Consider using PicsumUrl() as a faster alternative. - Internet - Avatar - Generates a legit Internet URL avatar from twitter accounts. - Email - Generates an email address. - ExampleEmail - Generates an example email with - UserName - Generates user names. - UserNameUnicode - Generates a user name preserving Unicode characters. - DomainName - Generates a random domain name. - DomainWord - Generates a domain word used for domain names. - DomainSuffix - Generates a domain name suffix like .com, .net, .org - Ip - Gets a random IPv4 address string. - Port - Generates a random port number. - IpAddress - Gets a random IPv4 IPAddress type. - IpEndPoint - Gets a random IPv4 IPEndPoint. - Ipv6 - Generates a random IPv6 address string. - Ipv6Address - Generate a random IPv6 IPAddress type. - Ipv6EndPoint - Gets a random IPv6 IPEndPoint. - UserAgent - Generates a random user agent. - Mac - Gets a random mac address. - Password - Generates a random password. - Color - Gets a random aesthetically pleasing color near the base RGB. See here. - Protocol - Returns a random protocol. HTTP or HTTPS. - Url - Generates a random URL. - UrlWithPath - Get an absolute URL with random path. - UrlRootedPath - Get a rooted URL path like: /foo/bar. Optionally with file extension. - Lorem - Word - Get a random lorem word. - Words - Get an array of random lorem words. - Letter - Get a character letter. - Sentence - Get a random sentence of specific number of words. - Sentences - Get some sentences. - Paragraph - Get a paragraph. - Paragraphs - Get a specified number of paragraphs. - Text - Get random text on a random lorem methods. - Lines - Get lines of lorem. - Slug - Slugify lorem words. - Name - FirstName - Get a first name. Getting a gender specific name is only supported on locales that support it. - LastName - Get a last name. Getting a gender specific name is only supported on locales that support it. - FullName - Get a full name, concatenation of calling FirstName and LastName. - Prefix - Gets a random prefix for a name. - Suffix - Gets a random suffix for a name. - FindName - Gets a full name. - JobTitle - Gets a random job title. - JobDescriptor - Get a job description. - JobArea - Get a job area expertise. - JobType - Get a type of job. - Phone - PhoneNumber - Get a phone number. - PhoneNumberFormat - Gets a phone number based on the locale's phone_number.formats[] array index. - Rant - Review - Generates a random user review. - Reviews - Generate an array of random reviews. - System - FileName - Get a random file name. - DirectoryPath - Get a random directory path (Unix). - FilePath - Get a random file path (Unix). - CommonFileName - Generates a random file name with a common file extension. - MimeType - Get a random mime type. - CommonFileType - Returns a commonly used file type. - CommonFileExt - Returns a commonly used file extension. - FileType - Returns any file type available as mime-type. - FileExt - Gets a random extension for the given mime type. - Semver - Get a random semver version string. - Version - Get a random Version. - Exception - Get a random Exception with a fake stack trace. - AndroidId - Get a random GCM registration ID. - ApplePushToken - Get a random Apple Push Token. - BlackBerryPin - Get a random BlackBerry Device PIN. - Vehicle - Vin - Generate a vehicle identification number (VIN). - Manufacturer - Get a vehicle manufacture name. IE: Toyota, Ford, Porsche. - Model - Get a vehicle model. IE: Camry, Civic, Accord. - Type - Get a vehicle type. IE: Minivan, SUV, Sedan. - Fuel - Get a vehicle fuel type. IE: Electric, Gasoline, Diesel. - Random - Number - Get an int from 0 to max. - Digits - Get a random sequence of digits. - Even - Returns a random even number. - Odd - Returns a random odd number. - Double - Get a random double, between 0.0 and 1.0. - Decimal - Get a random decimal, between 0.0 and 1.0. - Float - Get a random float, between 0.0 and 1.0. - Byte - Generate a random byte between 0 and 255. - Bytes - Get a random sequence of bytes. - SByte - Generate a random sbyte between -128 and 127. - Int - Generate a random int between MinValue and MaxValue. - UInt - Generate a random uint between MinValue and MaxValue. - ULong - Generate a random ulong between -128 and 127. - Long - Generate a random long between MinValue and MaxValue. - Short - Generate a random short between MinValue and MaxValue. - UShort - Generate a random ushort between MinValue and MaxValue. - Char - Generate a random char between MinValue and MaxValue. - Chars - Generate a random chars between MinValue and MaxValue. - String - Get a string of characters of a specific length. - String2 - Get a string of characters with a specific length drawing characters from chars. - Hash - Return a random hex hash. Default 40 characters, aka SHA-1. - Bool - Get a random boolean. - ArrayElement - Get a random array element. - ReplaceNumbers - Replaces symbols with numbers. - ReplaceSymbols - Replaces each character instance in a string. - Replace - Replaces symbols with numbers and letters. # = number, ? = letter, * = number or letter. - ClampString - Clamps the length of a string between min and max characters. - Word - Returns a single word or phrase in English.