Chasys Draw IES is a suite of image editing applications including a layer-based image editor with adjustment layers, linked layers, timeline and frame-based animation, icon editing, image stacking and comprehensive plug-in support (Chasys Draw IES Artist), a fast multi-threaded image file converter (Chasys Draw IES Converter) and a fast image viewer (Chasys Draw IES Viewer), with RAW image support in all components. It supports the native file formats of several competitors including Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Photo, Corel PhotoPaint, GIMP, Krita, Paint.NET and PaintShop Pro, and the whole suite is designed to make effective use of multi-core processors, touch-screens and pen-input devices.
Designed under the mantra of “unique, flexible and powerful”, Chasys Draw IES takes a radically different approach to image editing with the aim of opening up new possibilities for those who dare to be different.