Blaze’s Checkbook Keeper has been elevated to another level by adding more features and improving on the free version. Blaze’s app is for those individuals who don’t wish to rely on their financial institution to keep track of their financial accounts or to balance those accounts. The app is password protected. However, there is a password hint option for those users with too many passwords to remember. Additionally, Blaze employs a larger text font for ease of use. While account balances are displayed in several locations within the app for convenience, a unique feature of the app is the unreconciled credits and debits balances. Unreconciled credits and debit balances are updated automatically based on user reconciliation actions. This allows for easier account reconciliation with a tap of a finger or click of a mouse.
Blaze has added other features like registry record back dating; checking registry record category application for future budgetary considerations or easy use with the Kakeibo method; account data printing or exporting for paper trail purposes; financial institution information retention, mapping, and website view; and finally, the ability to reset a specified account’s data. This last one is because no one is perfect, and sometimes starting all over is the best available option.
The primary focus of Blaze’s Checkbook Keeper is to help users help themselves.
Blaze was a 20-year-old dog, and life is supposed to be fun you know.