The “ASTRO WORKSHOP” (also called "Astro Studio") has been specially designed for astrologers or for students in Astrology who want to free themselves from the forbidding calculations imposed by this learning. Its built-in database will allow you to save as many dates of birth (and therefore people) as you want. You will have all pssible features of astrological calculations: these data are available instantaneously and readable in several formats.
This app offers the following essential features : ➼ Calculation of natal charts (from 1600 to now) ➼ Registration and births management (modification, deletion) ➼ Visualization of zodiacal charts ➼ Astrological forecasting tools: visualization on the natal graphical chart of planetary transits (for any past or future dates) or secondary / symbolic, conversed progressions (for all the ages of life) ➼ Setting and search of noteworthy planetary configurations depending to a natal chart (with this tool you can find all the important configurations of a person's life). ➼ Calculation of generic planetary transits (Saturn's relation to his birth position, Jupiter ... etc.) throughout life or for a specifique period ➼ Visual tools for astrological forecasts allow you to see transits planets day by day, as well as the secondary or symbolics progressions of planets year by year . ➼ Calculation of Solar Revolutions ➼ Calculation of Lunar Revolutions ➼ Revolutions management ➼ Calculation and analysis of “secondary progressions” (from 1 till 84 years) - Outstanding astrological events ➼ Computation and analysis of “symbolic progressions” (from 1 till 84 years) - Outstanding astrological events ➼ Computation and analysis of “conversed progressions” (from 1 till 84 years) - Outstanding astrological events ➼ Calculation and presentation of “primary directions” as calculated by Tradition ➼ Calculation and presentation of “profections” ➼ Identification of 12 remarkable geometric figures (Full quadrate, T-quadrate, Full trine, Rectangle, Butterfly, Boat, Kite, Trapeze, Yod, "God Finger", Small right-triangle, Small sextile-triangle.
Details of astrological data: ➼ Longitudes of the planets ➼ Right Ascension of the planets ➼ Declinations of the planets ➼ Positions of astrological houses ➼ Angular relationships (aspects) between the planets ➼ Astrological parts (called Arab) ➼ Planetary cycles and intercycles ➼ Relation with fixed stars ➼ Spatial distribution (terrestrial and celestial) ➼ Egyptian -and Caldean therms ➼ Dominants (celestial, terrestrial, astrological)
The display of this data is configurable. The app also offers some essential tools for astrological practice: ➼ Calculation of solar Ingres (date and time of the sun at 0° of each zodiacal sign) ➼ Calculation date and time of New Moons ➼ Calculation of ephemeris (position of planets every day of the month) ➼ Fixed stars list
The astrological settings to adjust the app to your practice: ➼ Setting the orbs of planets aspects ➼ Setting the orbs of the houses cusps ➼ Parameterization of the domification type (Placidus, Campanus, Regiomontanus, Kock, Porphyry, Morinus, Meridian, Houses equal)
The numerical data used in the astronomical calculations of the application are those provided by the "Office of Longitudes of Paris": half major axis, eccentricities, the longitudes average and longitudes of the perihelions ...
We have developed the indispensable tools and computations used by most of astrologers. If a feature is missing you, please let us know; as far as possible we will add it to the new version. ([email protected]) - If you are enjoying this app, we would appreciate that you tell to people who could have a use of it and interest to it, how much you did enjoy it yourself. Thanks a lot in advance.