VerbTeX is the secure LaTeX Editor for your Windows device. It allows you to create and manage LaTeX projects directly on your Windows device and generate a PDF offline (Verbnox) or online (Verbosus).
This software is provided "as is" without warranties or conditions of any kind, either expressed or implied.
Features: * Use PdfTeX or XeTeX to generate a PDF * Use BibTeX or Biber for bibliographies * Offline compilation (Local Mode, enable in Settings) * 2 Modes: Local Mode (stores .tex documents on your device) and Cloud Mode (synchronizes your projects with Verbosus) * Full LaTeX distribution (TeXLive) * Syntax highlighting * Quick navigation * Two factor authentication (Cloud Mode in combination with Copiosus) * Web-Interface (Cloud Mode) * Import existing projects to Local Mode * Export existing projects from Local Mode * Encrypted transmission to the server by using HTTPS * No ads
Use any .ttf/.otf font: Put your font file inside your project folder and reference it in your document:
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{fontname.otf} \begin{document} \section{Main Heading} Это тест \end{document}
Please note: Due to restrictions in Windows UWP apps it's NOT possible to store files in any other folder than VerbTeX's AppData folder. Please respect that fact when rating this app.